Monday, July 2, 2012

Electronic Lift Chair

Electronic Lift Chair

The Electronic Lift Chair was designed to help individuals who are not able to get up from regular due to aging or illnesses. The Electronic Lift chair looks just like a recliner chair; however the chair has a motor. The motor is what makes the chair lift up, so the user can get up out of chair

  • The Electronic Chair Lift helps individual who have illnesses or weaknesses to get up from a sitting position to a stand position without any difficulties. Getting in and out of chair gives senior citizen a chance to hold onto normality in their lives. The chair also decreases chance of falls, which really increase as people aged.
  • Skills include: visual, cognitive, fine motor, physical
  • The Electronic Lift Chair has a remote control and the remote control has two buttons. One of the buttons has the word up and the other button has the word down. If the individual wants the chair to go up, you press the up button and the down button if you want it go down.
  • The Electronic Lift Chair is geared more toward the geriatric population. The chair gives senior citizen an opportunity to keep their independent and decrease falls.
  • Pros- Electronic Lift Chair is easy to operate. It gives the elderly population an opportunity to keep their independent.
  • Cons- The chair is expensive, the price for the chair varies; however, it can start from $300.00 and above.

1 comment:

  1. You really understand lift-chairs - that's a great article.


    Best Wishes, from Scooters 'N Chairs
